Engineering school in Lyon: why join ECE?

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Why choose an engineering school in Lyon?

Many young people choose to live in the city of Lyon during their higher education. Not content with occupying second place in the ranking of the best student cities with Rennes in 2021, Lyon rivals Paris in terms of academics and has established itself as the second largest scientific research center in France. A good point for students considering enrolling in engineering school in Lyon!

Lyon, a city ideally located and pleasant to live in

The metropolis is regularly ranked among the best cities in France to live in. This appreciation for the city of Lyon is due to several factors, starting with its unique geographic location. Indeed, how many student cities can boast of being less than 3 hours from Chamonix and less than 3 hours from Aix-en-Provence? And as if that wasn’t enough, Lyon is less than 2 hours from Paris by train. Mountain, sea or capital, the choice is yours if you want a change of scenery during your engineering school studies in Lyon.

Such proximity to nature is a godsend for the people of Lyon, who regularly take advantage of their weekends to go on magnificent hikes and discover the surroundings. However, you don’t have to leave the city to find quiet, wooded areas to recharge your batteries. Lyon has many parks and green spaces, including the famous Parc de la Tête d’Or. Opened in 1857, at the same time as Central Park in New York, it is the largest urban park in France. You can also take a walk in the Gerland park on the banks of the Rhône or in the Lacroix-Laval or Miribel-Jonage parks, which are very popular during the summer.

Culture and leisure will be on the agenda in Lyon

Studying at an engineering school in Lyon means taking the risk of falling in love with a multi-faceted city known for its impressive historical heritage. Let’s not forget that before becoming the second economic center of France, the ancient and prosperous city of Lugdunum was for a long time the capital of the Three Gauls. Even today, the city, classified as a world heritage site by UNESCO, proudly displays this rich Gallo-Roman past.

In order to discover the treasures of Lyon’s history, the city offers a cultural card valid for one year. For 15 euros, young people aged 18 to 25 can access the municipal libraries and various temporary and permanent collections in Lyon’s museums, as well as benefit from discounts on tickets for shows. A good plan for students wishing to discover the city of Gones!

What are the courses offered in an engineering school in Lyon?

If you want to go to an engineering school in Lyon, you will be spoilt for choice, as the city has many higher education institutions dedicated to science, engineering and new technologies.

ECE offers engineering students the opportunity to join the Grande École engineering program in Lyon, a five-year program after the baccalauréat. It is possible to follow the first three years of the Grande École program on the Lyon campus, the last two years being done in Lyon, Paris or Bordeaux. The ECE Grande École program allows each student to build a career path corresponding to his professional aspirations and desires.

At this engineering school in Lyon, students can also join the Bachelor’s program in the first year after the baccalaureate, in the second year after a baccalaureate +1 or in the third year after a baccalaureate +2. The Bachelor’s degree is a pathway to various technical and IT specialties, such as cybersecurity or web development. Popular for its professionalizing dimension, it also allows a continuation of studies, for example in MSc at ECE, in order to obtain a title of bac +5.

What professional and entrepreneurial opportunities are available to students of an engineering school in Lyon?

Attending an engineering school in Lyon has another advantage: the City of Lights is a thriving economic hub, particularly in the cleantech, digital, science and industry sectors. One of the reasons for this strong growth is the presence of numerous high-tech companies and renowned groups located in and around the city. This is very positive for students who can easily find an internship, a work-study program or a first job after their studies in Lyon.

Lyon’s significant economic development is also due to the presence of numerous incubators in the city and the region, as well as the emphasis on entrepreneurship. In fact, the municipality has been setting up the LYVE network for years, assisting entrepreneurs in the development of their companies.

You feel like an entrepreneur and want to found your own start-up? Devote your final project at ECE to the definition of the economic model of your future company and give life to your idea. The school puts the material resources of its fablab at your disposal and accompanies you in this unique adventure.

Is it possible to follow a preparatory course in an engineering school in Lyon?

It is quite possible to follow a preparatory course in an engineering school in Lyon. This is what ECE offers during its Grande École program. The first two years of the program are part of the integrated preparatory cycle, while the last three years correspond to the engineering cycle. The integrated preparatory cycle differs from a Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles (CPGE) in its purpose. Indeed, the idea is not only to prepare the student to enter a school, but to help the future engineer to build his career.

Thus, high school graduates from a general or STI2D final year can discover technologies and engineering from the first year of their post-bac studies, provided they are admitted to the ECE.

How to get into an engineering school in Lyon?

Usually, admission to a grande école is conditional on passing a competitive examination. ECE, like other engineering schools in Lyon, proceeds in this way for its Grande Ecole Engineering Program. Students wishing to join the ECE must take the AVENIR competitive entrance exam, common to seven engineering schools in France spread over 15 campuses. There are three types of competitive exams depending on your original field of study.

  • students in their final year of secondary school or STI2D: AVENIRBAC competition
  • students with 1 to 4 years of higher education: AVENIRPLUS competition
  • students of Maths Specialization MP, PC, PSI and PT : AVENIRPREPAS competition

Preparation days are frequently organized to allow the candidates to better approach the exams and to maximize their chances to integrate the ECE.
To integrate the ECE Bachelor program, the procedure is made of a file study and an interview, without going through the Parcoursup procedure, by applying directly on the ECE website.

Updated 5 March 2024