Links with Pedagogy

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Our links with pedagogy

This structuring around an interdisciplinary axis has allowed to initiate scientific collaborations with several research organizations and to involve ECE students. In order to discover the world of research, students have two anchor points during their engineering training: the Research Minor and the Research and Innovation Initiation axis.

The Research Minor

The first is their enrolment in the4th year of the“Research & Development” minor, which aims tointroduce students to academic, applied and R&D research, and to delve deeper into a particular theme and research question. Part of the first semester is devoted to visits to research organizations. During these visits and through presentations and demonstrations, they discover the research work of the teams. These visits are very much appreciated by the students, who naturally take up a project topic in teams. Students also have the opportunity to attend lectures by researchers from the academic and R&D community in the second semester.

The axis of valorization Initiation Research & Innovation

The second point of inking consists in choosing the axis of valorization“Initiation Research & Innovation (IRI)” of the student projects (VPE). This axis allows students to present their research work (posters) supervised by ECE teachers-researchers in classified international conferences. These numerous works are the subject of scientific publications. Since 2014, the research center has published 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 153 papers in international conferences.

Possible further studies

These numerous and diverse interactions with researchers during their training encourage students to go further by following internships offered by the ECE research center and even to pursue a PhD.

Les Chiffres Clés

Il est difficile de quantifier à ce jour les poursuites d’études dans les autres organismes de recherche, mais il est clair que le « <strong>modèle recherche ECE</strong> » plaît et donne envie aux élèves de découvrir le monde de la recherche


élèves inscrits en mineure “Recherche & Développement”


élèves ECE en stage de fin d’études en recherche


poursuites en thèses
à l’ECE

Updated 2 January 2024