Ecology at the ECE

NOISE is the ecological association of the ECE. Present in 10 major schools such as Dauphine, Assas, Sorbonne, Les Mines, EM Lyon…

This presence in different schools allows us to meet other students from different backgrounds and to do events together.

The objective

The goal of Noise is to allow students to get involved in the fight against global warming through various solutions.

We propose to participate in:

  • cleanwalks to clean up our streets,
  • magnet fishing to clean up our rivers,
  • to work on our connected urban vegetable garden,
  • participate in Climate Frescoes to raise awareness of climate issues,
  • we organize solidarity harvests
  • the creation of a vegetable garden on the roof of the ECE Paris campus

The list of actions is still long.

Updated 24 May 2023