How do I choose an environmental training course?

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As the field is multi-sectoral, environmental training is offered by numerous public and private institutes and schools. It can even be offered as part of a specific program. The key is to find out which one suits you best, based on your goals and ambitions, and the sector in which you prefer to work as an environmentalist. In this article, we present your options.

In summary:

Choosing the right environmental training involves :

  • A love of the industry and an awareness of today’s key environmental issues.
  • Make the right choice of public or private training establishment.
  • Determine the sector in which you want to work as an environmentalist.
  • Define your professional goals beforehand.

What is environmental training?

Since the environment is defined as everything that surrounds us, environmental training involves studying all the elements that make it up. That’s why it’s considered a multi-sector field.

However, in today’s global context, training in the environment focuses on the study of biodiversity, climate change, waste management and sustainable development. All these aspects can thus be taught in conjunction with a specific program and constitute environmental training.

Why take an environmental training course?

In recent years, there have been a thousand and one reasons to take an environmental training course. First and foremost, it ensures that you’ll be able to find a job faster, and stay in constant employment. Indeed, the environmental professions have been recruiting massively since the protection and restoration of natural elements were encouraged.

Secondly, environmental training can give you access to a large number of professions in a wide variety of sectors. You can work in IT, renewable energies, industry, health or other sectors, and take care of the environmental aspect of any project or activity.

Clearly, environmental training opens the door to a wide range of academic and professional opportunities. So, at any time, you have the option of switching from one specific sector to another, or even to reconvert to the pure environment.

One of the most motivating reasons to enroll in an environmental training program is that, in addition to constantly recruiting, environmental professions generally pay well.

How to choose the right environmental training?

Choosing the right environmental training course for you depends on a number of key factors, including :

  • your career goals and the years of study required to achieve them;
  • the sector you want to work in;
  • your preference for training at a public or private institution;
  • the specialization you want to choose in the future;
  • your availability.

In fact, environmental training courses can be available as early as high school in some establishments. You can opt for this alternative if you are convinced early on that you want to go down this road. More generally, they are offered after the baccalaureate as part of higher education.

You can choose to study at a public university, a specialized institution or an engineering school. The quickest way is to opt for a short 2-year course with a BTS or BUT, or a 3-year course with a licence or bachelor’s degree. You should then be able to move straight into a job and start building your career.

Depending on your ambitions, you can also opt from the outset for a long 5-year cycle. Of course, it’s always possible to continue on to a Master’s degree equivalent to a bac + 5 after your licence or bachelor’s degree.

What job pays well in the environment?

Go to the FAQ section of our site to discover a large number of environment-related professions and find out about the average salary they offer. Generally speaking, those who pay the best are those who touch the most sensitive environmental points worldwide.

In particular, these are the trades that concern :

  • climate change;
  • waste management ;
  • renewable energies ;
  • the green economy;
  • biodiversity conservation ;
  • restoring the natural landscape ;
  • carbon credits.

Is it possible to take an environmental training course at ECE?

AtECE, we give you the opportunity to take an environmental training course. Specializing in Digital Engineering, our environmentally conscious school offers programs that train you in the field.

Faced with today’s environmental and climatic challenges, we suggest that you opt for our Cycle Ingénieur – Majeure Energie & Environnement. The course is available in Paris and gives you the opportunity to obtain a diploma at bac + 5 level, as well as an engineering qualification. If you prefer to study in English, we can offer you an MSc Sustainable Energy Futures to earn a diploma at bac + 5 level.

Updated 31 May 2024