Secure your future apprenticeship contract

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What is apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship means being both a student AND an employee. It’s a chance to study in an engineering or Bachelor’s program, while adding significant professional experience to your CV. But it also means a salary at the end of the month, tuition fees paid by the company and the assurance of building a solid network.

ECE Apprenticeship Forum

Tuesday, May 24, 9am to 1pm.
ECE’s APPRENTISSAGE Forum was held at Campus Eiffel 2 (37, Quai de Grenelle – 75 015 PARIS). We welcomed some thirty ECE partner companies. If you are eligible for an apprenticeship at ECE – in an engineering or bachelor program – you were very welcome!

A remote forum

So that all ECE apprenticeship candidates can find the company of their dreams, ECE has organized 2 forums.

Via the SEEKUBE platform, the ECE has put nearly 50 companies in touch with students wishing to meet them. In all, almost 300 contract offers were put forward. 81% of participants submitted an application!

And a face-to-face forum

On May 24, partner companies came to the ECE Paris campus to meet our students. Nearly 30 recruiters were on hand to offer contracts to our students and future students in engineering and bachelor programs.

The French government’s policy on apprenticeships is strong, with the aim of reaching one million apprentices in France by 2023, and the figures seen at these forums prove that this golden path continues to attract more and more students every year.

Retour en images sur le Forum Apprentissage de l’ECE

Our students tell their stories

Apprenticeship is where a student meets a company. Like Emilie, an ECE student and apprentice at Orange Business Services, or Massourang, an ECE student and apprentice at Groupe Référence, students benefit froma highly enriching dual experience.

Téléchargez la Plaquette Apprentissage




Succeed in your oral interview

Grand Oral du BAC, corporate job interview or admissions oral, you’re going to have to take an oral exam very soon. At the ECE, we coach you so that you can pass this interview with flying colors. And all the next ones! In masterclasses led by experts, you’ll learn how to manage your stress, sort out the right and wrong answers and convince your interviewer. All the tips you need to succeed in your future oral exams! (Free, but places are limited).

Would you like to find out more about apprenticeships at ECE?

Would you like to talk to current ECE apprentices?

Updated 2 January 2024